How to Always Write a Killer Blog Post

If you’re a blogger, you’re aware that writing a blog post is a long process. We don’t usually just sit down and start writing… Things typically run more easily when a plan is in place.

This blog post was created to help with content arrangement so that you can produce an effective blog post. There is a checklist at the conclusion that we hope will help you keep everything in order.

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How To Always Write A Killer Blog Post:

1. Create A List Of Ideas - Brainstorm Session

First and foremost, jot down your blog article ideas. Choose a topic and then brainstorm as many different things to say about it as you can.

If you’re a food blogger, you may write about Main Dishes, Desserts, Salads, and so on. Make a list of as many things in the category as you can. If you are a Lifestyle Blogger, your topics may include Family, Money Saving, Travel, and so on. To begin, broad topics are OK.

2. Keep in mind your READER

Remember that you are writing for THEM. Choose a topic that will be of interest to your audience and give value to them. Ultimately, you are attempting to aid them in addressing an issue, learning about a subject, or assisting them with a topic with which they are struggling.

It’s not about YOU, the blogger.

3. The next step is to come up with a catchy title

Consider the topic and come up with a few phrases that will elicit an emotional response. Your objective is to persuade them to read your post.

Experiment with several names to see which one you believe will elicit an emotional response from readers. This is where a little-known tool can help. It’s my “secret weapon,” and it’s proven really useful in coming up with intriguing names.

4. When creating a title, keep SEO and keywords in mind

I strongly suggest the Yoast SEO plugin if you write on the WordPress platform. This plugin will prompt you to select keywords and will give you the thumbs up when you have mentioned them enough times in your article. All of these will aid in Search Engine Optimization and increasing the visibility of your content in Google.

5. Create a rough layout

After you’ve decided on a title and keywords, the following step is to create an outline of exactly what you want to convey to your reader. What is your objective? What are you hoping your reader will remember about you?

Focus on a core topic for your article and consider whether you are providing them with value in some way. If not, consider what you could do to achieve this.

6. Create a Google Docs document

This allows you to share your work across all platforms, including your PC, iPhone, and iPad. Because some of these are mobile devices, you can work on it wherever you are.

7. Copy and Paste

When you’ve finished your post, copy and paste it into the post window of your WordPress site. Toggling between the “text” and “visual” windows provides you an indication of how your post is shaping out as you go.

8. Formatting

It is critical to appropriately format a blog article. Everything should be left-aligned, and paragraphs should be as brief as possible.

It is far simpler to read a series of short paragraphs separated by white space than it is to read a single big paragraph.

9. Make use of a variety of headers

For specific portions of your post, use the heading drop-down menu in your post window to choose H2 headings as well as merely “paragraph” headings. 

If you have the Yoast SEO plugin installed, it will urge you to include these in your article to enhance your SEO and Google ranking.

10. Revision

When you’ve completed writing your piece, go through it again and again. Have someone you trust and who you believe is knowledgeable in reading/writing check over your article for feedback and ideas.

Don’t press the publish button unless you’re completely certain that your content is the best it can be.

11. Include a link to another post

If you have previously published blog articles that are related to this new blog post, connect the new ones to the older ones to get visitors clicking around on your site.

This encourages the reader to explore your site and get to know you better.

12. Content upgrades

If you are interested in growing your email list (and you should be!), then include a content upgrade or a call to action to obtain email addresses of your readers.

13. Create images for your blog post

PicMonkey and Canva are two of my favorite tools. Check to see whether the photos are clear, the lettering is precise, and everything is spelt correctly.

14. Publish it

When you’ve proofread, double-checked, and triple-checked again, click PUBLISH. You accomplished your goal!

But the job does not stop there. It’s finally time to PROMOTE your content. Just because you submit a post does not guarantee that anybody will read it. You must inform the rest of the world that it exists. See How to Promote Your Fantastic Blog Post for more information.

15. Create images for social media

Make sure your photos are the appropriate size for each social networking platform. Get a list of the proper sizes here.

16. Make plans for future social media posts

Schedule future social media posts using your editorial calendar. When you do this, make sure to tweet it today, then again and again in the days ahead. We use Coschedule and have been extremely impressed with its simplicity and effectiveness.

17. Save it to Pinterest

Pin to your Pinterest boards as well as any Pinterest Group Boards to which you are a member. The more people that see and share your content, the better it will be for you as a blogger.

There are several more methods for promoting your blog content. When you believe you have done all possible to market your piece, write another one and repeat the process.

18. Keep this in mind

As a blogger, the most important thing to remember is that you are not writing for yourself. You’re writing for all the wonderful individuals that visit your site and read what you have to say.

So, make it worthwhile for them. Make it something special. Share your expertise with others. Make a name for yourself through your informative blog entries. Be someone people can rely on… Remember, you’re a BLOGGER for a reason!

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